
Product Search

Looking for something specific? Here are three steps you can take to help you find it!

Know what product you’re searching for?

STEP 1: Use the Product Search Feature

You know you got the best coffee beans you’ve had in your life at one of our markets, but you’re not sure which vendor they came from? Simply enter “coffee beans” in the search box and a list of vendors who have them listed under their products. It will also list all their upcoming markets and where you can find them!

Frequent searches: coffee beans | cheese | hazelnuts | wine

HINT: If you’re looking for a specific kind of potato, squash or tomato, type “potato”, “squash”, or “tomato” into the search feature and it will suggest narrower searches. If you can’t find the variety, contact the vendors directly – they don’t always list all 150 varieties of tomatoes online!

Know the vendor you’re looking for?

STEP 2: Browse our Vendor List

Congratulations! You actually managed to remember the name of the vendor you picked up those sweet strawberries from!  Check out the list to find their contact information, website and more. Vendors are listed alphabetically and are participating at one or more of our markets this season. You can maximize and minimize the information to see as much or as little as you like.

Know which market you saw them at?

STEP 3: Check past “Upcoming Schedules”: Hastings Park | Kitsilano | Main St Station | Mt Pleasant | Nat Bailey | Trout Lake | West End | Yaletown

You know it was two weeks ago at the Hastings Park Winter Market and you’re pretty sure they were two stalls down from the Info Booth? Lucky you  – all our schedules are online and you can look at both past and upcoming vendor lists. Scroll through the vendor list on the left side of the screen, click on the vendor you think it might have been and you can read a little profile and see where they were in the market OR click on the stalls on the map to highlight and learn the name of the vendor that was placed there. Might help narrow down the search anyway…

Click here to find location information for all our markets

Still can’t find it?

Stop by any Market Information Booth at any of our markets or contact the office and someone on our friendly team will help narrow it down.

Good luck!