Looking to get more local food on your plate and support a BC producer with start-up capital for their new season? Consider joining a CSA program this year.
CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is a food distribution system that enables food lovers to support local agriculture, give farmers job security, take care of the environment and guarantee themselves a share of fresh, healthy local produce at a fair price.
Community Supported Agriculture and Fishery memberships come in a variety of formats and can include everything from fresh fruits & veggies, eggs, meat & seafood – even honey, herbs, flowers, and grains.
“This is my 3rd CSA experience with 3 different farms and by far the best. Thank you to everyone involved, and I’m really looking forward to next season!”
“LOVED the weekly emails. So good. The recipes were so thoughtfully selected and often incorporated multiple veggies from the box. I made many (75%?) of the recipes, and we sometimes did our other shopping around these recipes. Big kudos to whomever made those selections: you’re awesome.”
“Fabulous workers: helpful, knowledgeable, friendly, efficient and always positive. I always knew the safety protocols in place were keeping us safe.”
2022 CSA Programs
The following is a list of Vancouver Farmers Markets vendors (and friends!) who are running CSAs, CSFs, grain shares and more in 2022.
Check back in the coming weeks as more producers announce their share programs:

Cropthorne Farm, Westham Island
Mixed vegetables
Lydia Ryall | info@cropthornefarm.com
Fresh Roots Urban Farm, Vancouver
Schoolyard Grown box of mixed vegetables & greens
Christine | food@freshroots.ca
Ice Cap Organics, Pemberton
Mixed vegetables & fruit
Delaney and Alisha | icecaporganics@gmail.com

The Front Yard Flower Co., Vancouver
Specialty Cut Flowers
Rose Dykstra | rose@thefrontyardflowerco.com
Glorious Organics Co-op, Aldergrove
Mixed vegetables & salad greens
Cassie Plotnikoff | icsa@gloriousorganics.com
Klippers Organic Acres, Cawston
Mixed vegetables, tree fruit & preserves
Kevin & Annemarie Klippenstein | klipperscsa@gmail.com

River and Sea Flowers, Westham Island
Certified Organic Specialty Cut Flowers
Rachel Ryall | riverandseaflowers@gmail.com
Salt & Harrow, Parksville
Mixed vegetables
Skipper Otto’s CSF, Vancouver
Salmon, tuna, halibut, prawns, lingcod, sablefish & crab
Sonia Strobel | info@skipperotto.ca
Tsawwassen First Nation Farm School, Delta/Richmond/Surrey/Vancouver
Certified organic mixed vegetables, eggs & flowers
Bode Family Farms, Maple Ridge
Mixed vegetables, berries & flowers
Lee & Tara Bode | BodeFamilyFarms@gmail.com

Nutrient Dense Farm, Squamish
Mixed vegetables, eggs & flowers
Stefan & Lindsay | nutrientdensefarms@gmail.com
Whistler Harvest
Fungi Mix is a variety of our local mushrooms all packed into one box
Patrick & Paul | patrick@whistlerharvest.ca
Sole Food Street Farms
Hyper-local vegetables, greens, and fruits
Michael Passalacqua | m.passalacqua@solefoodfarms.com
Friends of VFM

Sweet Earth Farms, Chilliwack
Mixed vegetables, eggs, flowers, cheese, mushrooms, bread, and grains (Cedar Isle)
Miranda & James | sweetearthinfo@gmail.com
Valley Buds
Alana & Michelle | valleybudsflowerfarm@gmail.com
The Sharing Farm
Mixed vegetables (pick up options in Richmond & East Vancouver)
Sarah Drewery | info@sharingfarm.ca | www.
Container Brewing
Partners with Hazelmere Organics and The Bench Bakehouse. They are the only CSA to offer craft beer as part of the program
Terry Brown | terry@containerbrewing.ca | www.drinkcontainer.beer/csa22
Photos: Klippers Organic Acres, Fresh Roots Urban Farm, The Front Yard Flower Co., Tsawwassen First Nation Farm School, Whistler Harvest, Sweet Earth Farms