Downtown magnet contest

Look out for VFM’s colourful fridge magnets adorning lamp posts, doorways, and newspaper boxes downtown in June – they’re good for a $5 Market Money token at our Thursday Downtown Farmers Market.
The magnet, designed by local illustrator Holly Cruise, can be traded in for a wooden token worth $5 in market product during the entire month of June – that can buy you anything from a pint of local strawberries to a loaf of artisan bread or food truck snack! Here’s how it works:
- Hunt for a magnet – hint: they’re downtown
- Bring it to the Downtown Farmers Market between now and June 30, 2018 and we’ll give you a $5 Market Money token, good for anything at the market. And yes, you can keep the magnet.
- Contest valid for one magnet/token per shopper.
- Contest expires June 30, 2018, but you’re welcome to keep the magnet on your fridge forever 😉
Happy hunting, market fans!