Hot Chocolate Fest 2020!

Who’s excited for Cityfood Magazine’s 10th Annual Hot Chocolate Fest? WE ARE! And you should be too, because there’s no better way to beat back the post-holiday-cum-mid-winter doldrums like a rich, steaming cup of C7H8N4O2.

Starting January 18th, there are 144 flavours going live in 44 different venues for this year’s festival, which runs until Valentine’s Day (Feb 14th).
To celebrate the Festival’s 10th anniversary some vendors have brought back their best selling drink of the decade! The staff at VFM are already compiling our lists of top picks to try, including dazzlers like Trip to Lachua (cardamon + champurradas), Get the Green Light (dark chocolate + creme de menthe), Hob-Nobbing (oat milk + hobnob cookies), Bohemian Raspberry (raspberry marshmallow + raspberry amaretto), The Light Syllables (mint, orange + sage dark chocolate), Ancient Wisdom (Raw dark chocolate + healing mushrooms).The Surrealist (white almond chocolate in a cookie cup with a sable cookie spoon)
This is by no means an exhaustive list (you can find that here), and we are planning to try as many as possible – not only because we love you HC, but also because partial proceeds of this year’s festival benefit our Fresh to Families Fund. Fresh to Families provides fresh food coupons to low income families that can be used to purchase fruits and vegetables, meat, eggs, nuts, and dairy at any farmers market in the province.
In conclusion, the more hot chocolate everyone drinks, the more fresh, healthy food gets to families who need it, and the more local farmers benefit from increased sales at the markets. So drink up!
Hot Chocolate Fest runs January 18th – February 14th, 2019. Grab a Festival Walking Map (available at both Winter Markets) and don’t forget to tag your hot chocolate moments on Instagram for a chance to win gift certificates from participating Festival vendors! More contest details here.