Vancouver’s NEW Midweek Markets

The rumours are true – Vancouverites have two new midweek markets to shop for fresh, local food this summer – Wednesdays at Downtown and Thursdays at False Creek!
Shop local in the heart of Downtown
After a year long hiatus, the Downtown Farmers Market reopened on June 2nd in its new home at šxʷƛ̓ənəq Xwtl’e7énḵ Square (Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza) and will run each Wednesday, 2pm-6pm until October 6th. Each week at the market, shoppers will find a great selection of fresh produce, locally-raised meat and dairy, baked goods and more from over 25 farms and producers.
Search Downtown vendors by week here.
Location: 750 Hornby St. – šxʷƛ̓ənəq Xwtl’e7énḵ Square (Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza)
Date(s) and time: Wednesdays, 2pm-6pm from June 2nd-October 6th, 2021
Local food on your Sea Wall commute
Over at Concord Community Park (50 Pacific Blvd.), the False Creek Farmers Market is the new home of the temporarily relocated Main St. Station Market. It will run every Thursday, 2pm-6pm from June 3rd-October 7th. Perfectly positioned right by the Seawall, this market features 25 vendors each week who have you covered for farm-to-table goodness on your midweek commute. Drop by for local fruit and vegetables, bread, dips and other artisan picks.
Search False Creek vendors by week here.
Location: 50 Pacific Blvd. – Concord Community Park
Date(s) and time: Thursdays, 2pm-6pm from June 3rd-October 7th, 2021
Please note: the markets continue to operate as essential services with full COVID-19 protocols in place, including physical distancing, limited shopper capacity, and no sampling or eating on site. We ask that attendees follow the “Shop, don’t stop” protocol, and send only one member of your household to the market whenever possible. Find out more at on our COVID-19 FAQ page.