Mount Pleasant Market-Oct 12th

It’s the final Mt Pleasant Market of the season!
On behalf of the staff and crew, we would like to give a HUGE thank you to everyone for coming out rain or shine to support our local farmers!
This Sunday you can find all the trimmings for your Thanksgiving feast. Oodles of veggies-squashes and pumpkins all sizes and colours, carrots, mushrooms and potatoes. Also bread, cheeses and loads of treats for appies and desserts!
We are selling our popular “Mt Pleasant Market” canvas tote bags for only $12 (tax included) this Sunday too! It’s your last chance to pick one up this year.
Our market may be ending for the the season, but the fun continues:
*The West End Farmers Market Harvest Festival on October 18th. You can get all the details online about how you can enter the fruit pie competition, the squash display and activities for kids. Celebrate the bounty of the season at the West End Farmers Market Harvest Festival.
The 2014 RIPE Dinner Celebration is shaping up to be our best one yet. As VFM’s signature fundraiser, RIPE pairs farm-to-table chefs and restaurants with our farmers and producers to bring Vancouver an amazing evening of local food.
*We have TWO winter markets now! Hastings Park Winter Market at the PNE which started last Sunday and the Winter Farmers Market at Nat Bailey Stadium starting November 1.
See you on Sunday!