Happy Organic Week

It’s Organic Week!
Vancouver Farmers Markets prides itself on having one of the best selections of local, certified organic products in the city, brought to you weekly by the actual grower themselves. Organic certification is one of the most traceable programs available when it comes to figuring out where your food comes from – here’s our top 10 reasons why:
10 Reasons you should choose “Organic”
- Organic products meet strict national standards.
- Cut back on chemicals! Protect your health and the health of farmers and children.
- Organic farms take water seriously, and many of our producers are certified Salmon Safe.
- Organic farmers work in harmony with nature.
- Organic methods reduce pollution and wasted energy.
- Organic farmers build healthy soil.
- Organic farming is good for rural Canada.
- Organic producers strive to preserve genetic diversity.
- Organic is the only non-GMO standard overseen by the Canadian government.
- Organic food tastes great!
Find the explanations for the above at Canada Organic “Why Organic”
Banner photo: Kaishin Chu