Review of Mount Pleasant Market!

“This weekend it was the best weekend of all time. Espechelly Sunday was the best because a new market was opening. The market was at Mount Plesent. Mount Plesent is my favourite market because I love all the venders and uniq foods and arts at this market. And I could not wait to get there because I’m so excided. And when I got out of the car and I was totaly shocked. There was even more venders it was so amazing. I wanted even more market money (market money is a wooden crcel with the market’s logo it’s really cool). Mount Plasent is in Vancouver. I allso whet with my sister and my mom. We took a car because if I walked it would be to far to walk. That’s why we took the car to Mount Plasent. I got bread, cookies, a popsicel, crrucomde mint flaverrd. It was best the popsicel in the world. Gril gave me and my sister a popsicel out of a cart with a chalk bord. All her poscicels are hand made and the best in the hole world. We also got 4 Ukrenian pastres. 1 was popyseed the etherone was blue berry and the ether one was wallnut. I thote vearry fasanating to try something new. And my favourite Ukrenian pastre was the blueberry one. It was the best ever but not better then the cucumber mint popsicel.”
by Domenic- age 7 (above with his sister Scarlet-age 10)