West End – August 9

We’re expecting to see a market with plenty of tomatoes this week. With tomato season is in full swing – the varieties seem endless. Pick up your favourite or try something new! More exciting eats to be found include corn, potatoes, nectarines & basil!
Share with Your Neighbour: We’re collecting $5 tokens at the Information Booth to help send low-income families and seniors to the farmers markets. This program is in partnership with the BCAFM Farmers Market Nutrition Coupon Program and will benefit participants at Renfrew-Collingwood, Mount Pleasant, Downtown Eastside, and Gordon Neighbourhood Houses as well as the Hastings Community Centre. Add an extra token on your next market money purchase and help increase food security for our city!
Donation Station: The donation station is back this week and we are collecting donations for the Dr. Peter Centre food and nutrition program. This program allows Vancouver’s most vulnerable citizens to receive healthy, wholesome meals to help with taking HIV medication and other treatments so they can better manage their illness and lead healthy lives. You’ll find the donation station setup across from the information booth readily accepting both cash and food donations.
See you at the market!