What’s Fresh At Kitsilano – Sept 11th

apples, basil, bell peppers, blackberries, broccoli, brussel sprouts, bok choy, carrots, celery, chard, cherries, cauliflower, cucamelons, cucumbers, corn, eggplant, fennel, fresh herbs, garlic, green beans, green onions, grapes, heirloom tomatoes, leeks, nectarines, new potatoes, melons, mushrooms, patty pan squash, peaches, plums, pumpkin, radishes, raspberries, salad mix, sunflowers, snap peas, sugar peas, tomatoes, turnips, zucchini, zucchini flowers
Top Picks
A deliciously creamy cheese with a kick of spice Hot Jill cheese from Little Qualicum Cheese Works
Beautiful Apples from numerous vendors- Golden West Farms, Forrest Nelson, Jobst-Hof, Klippers Organics and the list goes on!
Stapleton Sausages offers a wide selection of quality sausages – try a sample this Sunday!
New This Week
Come by and check out Sweet Fig Farm Collective who will be new to the Kits Market this season. They’re an urban farm collective that uses natural growing methods in bringing fresh edible/medicinal herbs, vegetables, bedding plants, cut flowers, and soil amendments to its market customers from no more than 35 km away.
Stoney Paradise Farm is making their first appearance this season at the Kitsilano Farmers Market. Milan is bringing beautiful grapes and tomatoes from the Kelowna – try them and taste why they claim to “bring the joy back to food!”
Don’t Miss
Its Survey September at the Farmers Markets. We want to hear some feed back from our Market shoppers! Stop by the Survey booth to answer a few quick and easy Market related questions.
The Salt Spring Coffee Edible Scavenger Hunt has kicked off, and runs until October 9. This is a super fun and easy way for shoppers to connect with farmers, food, and even market crew for a chance to win some sweet prizes.
What to do:
Pick up a card at any Vancouver Farmers Market, all Salt Spring Coffee events or download online here.
How to Enter:
Complete all five activities listed on the edible scavenger hunt card between August 27 and October 9. Fill out your contact details on the completed card.
Hand in your completed card at a Salt Spring Coffee booth or any Vancouver Farmers Market Info stand—or add a stamp and pop it in the mail!
Celebrate the harvest with Vancouver Farmers Markets at RIPE 2016! Tickets are on sale now for our annual dinner fundraiser, which takes place Sunday, October 16 at The Roundhouse. RIPE features a knock-out roster of farm-to-table chefs paired with VFM producers to present 8 mount-watering small plate tasting stations, seasonal cocktails, and local craft beverage. More info on participating chefs and vendors, and to buy tickets, at the RIPE event page.
Get a complete list of this week’s Kitsilano Market vendors here.
Discover our five other summer market locations on our Markets Page.