What’s Fresh at Mount Pleasant Market- June 18th

Berries are back!!
Plus: arugula, beets, bell peppers, carrots, chard, collards, cucumber, eggplant, kale, leeks, micro greens, mustard greens, green onions, herbs, potatoes, radish, rhubarb, rutabaga, salad greens, shallots, spinach, spring onions, sprouts, strawberries, sunchokes
Meat & Seafood:
beef & lamb, chicken,turkey, lamb, bacon, cod, salmon,pork
Other product:
craft beer, wine, & spirits, breads and baked goods, pickles & fermented foods, preserves
New Vendors!
We’ve got some brand new vendors onsite this weekend at Mount Pleasant. Lets give them a warm market welcome!
One Arrow Bacon: locally sourced, hormone free, and naturally smoked bacon
Humblebee Meadery: is Vancouver’s only meadery. Mead is one of the oldest alcoholic drinks known to man and it’s all alcohol derived from fermented honey
Summer Market Schedules

- Trout Lake – opens May 6, 9am-2pm – North Parking Lot, John Hendry Park
- West End – opens May 27, 9am-2pm – 1100 Block of Comox St.
- Mt Pleasant – opens May 28, 10am-2pm – Dude Chilling Park, 8th & Guelph
- Main St Station – opens May 31, 2pm-6pm – Near Main St. Skytrain
- Downtown – opens June 1, 11am-3pm – Queen Elizabeth Theatre Plaza
- Riley Park – *NEW* opens June 24, 10am-2pm – 50 East 30th Ave.
Discover our six other summer market locations on our Markets Page.
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