Yaletown – August 21

Share with Your Neighbours
We’re collecting $5 tokens at the Information Booth to help send low-income families and seniors to the farmers markets. This program is in partnership with the BCAFM Farmers Market Nutrition Coupon Program and will benefit participants at Renfrew-Collingwood, Mount Pleasant, Downtown Eastside, and Gordon Neighbourhood Houses as well as the Hastings Community Centre. Add an extra token on your next market money purchase and help increase food security for our city! Thanks for your generosity!
Take a picture of the weirdest, most imperfect and obscure tomato that you find at the Kerrisdale, Trout Lake, West End, Kitsilano, Mt Pleasant, Main St Station or Yaletown Farmers Markets this week. Tag it #inglorioustomato and you could win $20 to spend at Vancouver Farmers Markets! Contest ends August 22 at noon.
Veggie of the week: Artichokes
Last week we saw artichokes for the first time this season from Glen Valley Artichoke Farms. Don’t be surprised to see them at the markets as the Fraser Valley offers great soil and climate for a few different varieties. Stop by to pick some up and ask Donna for some of her recipe ideas or preferred cooking methods.
See you at the market!